Math geeks are weird

Being married to a math geek has its advantages. He can calculate the day of the week for just about any date. He knows how many miles per gallon both our cars get because he actually tracks it. Of course there’s the big one, the super shiny actuarial career that has provided the opportunity for me to stay at home with the kids.

Naturally there are disadvantages… like come playoff time during any of the various sports seasons he follows, he will create for himself and get absorbed in various Excel spreadsheets wherein he figures the odds of each team making the playoffs, and I-don’t-know what-else. I know for a fact that actuaries often create complex Excel spreadsheets for fun; his co-worker Paul runs an Us Weekly celebrity pool, and oh-my you should see the spreadsheets this man puts together and sends out each week that tabulate the scores. Criminy. Also, since he likes the really complex math stuff, simple math is apparently boring and blase for him, because I often beat him to quick calculations in the head, and somehow early in the marriage all the bill-paying and balancing fell to me.

Then there’s just the funny consequences. Frank slept in a bit today, (and actually this reminds me he might still be sleeping, because I don’t hear him up. Better check after I’m done here!) Anyway! About 8:30 I give him an elbow and tell him it’s 8:30 and he should probably get up (I was nursing Jake in bed at the time). I have to repeat it with another elbow accompaniment to get his attention. He sits half-up and says, “830? 830 what?”

I say, “The time. It’s 8:30 a.m. What the hell else would I be talking about?”

And he says, in his sleepy haze: “I don’t know…. average minutes, maybe?”

I can’t even fathom what average minutes he thinks I’d be working on in the morning, in bed, and that would be so important as to wake him up to tell him the results.

3 responses to “Math geeks are weird

  1. Awesome. I’m slow at easy calculations but I also can calculate the day of the week of just about any date.

    I’m not very good at creating complex Excel spreadsheets though. Maybe I’m just a lazy math geek.

  2. Yeah, mine is a different flavor of mathboy than yours – more into the teaching than the numbers, overall – but damn, do I wish we lived closer. Willem would LOVE to spend time with someone who knows more about sports statistics than him. So far, that has never happened.

    It was very helpful having him there while house-shopping today… his foot, in a sneaker, is precisely 1 foot long, and so he carefully paced off and drew out a detailed, annotated floorplan of each house. Dork. But helpful, for once.

  3. Frank and Excel is more a function of his actuarial-dorkiness as opposed to the pure math part of his dorkiness. I don’t think he knew much Excel before he started working as an actuary.

    I’m also not sure Frank could outpace Willem on the sports statistics, though I’m sure he could keep up pretty well. But rules — Frank knows every frigging rule for hockey and football. Hockey ’cause he’s a ref, and football ’cause, well, ’cause he’s a dork. 🙂

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