Are YOU a pseudo intellectual?

I actually came across a quiz that tests it!


Turns out, I’m not.  Maybe my blog name is false advertising.  😉

Take it and tell me how you scored!

Your Score: Deep Thinker

You Are 73% Anti-Pseudo-Intellectual!

Hey you are smart!! You may never win a Nobel, but that’s perfectly OK because you are not incapable by any means – this was a tricky test and you did just fine! Keep up the good work; you are an intellectual playah!!

Link: The Pseudo-Intellectual Test written by Sweeny03 on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test
View My Profile(Sweeny03)

6 responses to “Are YOU a pseudo intellectual?

  1. I am 59% Anti Pseudo Intellectual. You did well. Well, not well-well, but well enough. So you didn’t win-win, but you still get an honorary degree in Anti-Pseudo-Intellectualism! Because, well, you tried hard and are probably well-liked because, well, we just like good average people! And mainly because you are the middle of 5 categories and I have no idea what to say here. I am sorry. Anyways, here’s your diploma thingy!

    Disturbingly, the picture was of Steven Tyler!!

  2. My score on The Pseudo-Intellectual Test:

    Deep Thinker
    (You Are 76% Anti-Pseudo-Intellectual!)

    “Hey you are smart!! You may never win a Nobel, but that’s perfectly OK because you are not incapable by any means – this was a tricky test and you did just fine! Keep up the good work; you are an intellectual playah!!”

  3. You Are 85% Anti-Pseudo-Intellectual!

    Congratulations!!! You win at life!!! This was not an easy test and you did super! Remember to be humble and stay true to your roots if you ever manage to cash in on your intellect 🙂

    My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

    You scored higher than 98% on smarty-scores

  4. Apparently I may someday win a Nobel…hmmm I suspect it may have been a fluke brought on by the 4 somoas I just ate.

  5. Deep Thinker
    (You Are 76% Anti-Pseudo-Intellectual!)

    “Hey you are smart!! You may never win a Nobel, but that’s perfectly OK because you are not incapable by any means – this was a tricky test and you did just fine! Keep up the good work; you are an intellectual playah!!”

    I probably won’t win a Nobel Prize, unless that Nobel Prize is in Awesomeness or Love of Teen Soaps like The O.C.!

  6. Hi my daughter also has arthritis from the age of 6. She is now 24 and also has ulceractive colitis due to having mmr then mr in 1994 i no as a mother these jabs were not safe.

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